We do a little coding. We do a little art.
I hope you like my things and stuff as much as I like you being here 🤗
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A page that displays statistics for the New York Times mini crossword. Compare historical times, see how you stack up against the competition, and more random stats. It's hosted right here, on sinakhalili.com, actually!
Crosswordy is a serverless Discord bot that provides users with crossword hints or answers. You could use it for help, but it's mostly for memes. Uses OpenAI to generate the answers. It's surprisingly satisfying.
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super ethan simulator finally lets you pretend to be Ethan Nguyen - someone you've almost certainly never heard of - but let me assure the references are quite accurate and funny.
A python implementation of the Folders esoteric programming language. The accompanying youtube video I made has accumulated over 300k views, and I'm still not sure why.
mecho is marked up echo. It's a shell function for printing colored and formatted text to the terminal using a simple markup.